Will u tell me please if Taj Mahal is open on 15th of August for visitors?
2009-08-13 22:51:20 UTC
I wish to visit Taj Mahal on 15th of August. Will you please guide me if it will remain open or not on the said day?
Trois réponses:
2009-08-13 23:45:27 UTC
it is open like every other day, but closed on fridays.

careful : different prices for Indian and Tourist !

p.s. The Taj will remain open from 6 am-7 pm everyday except Fridays. Entry costs Rs 970 for Foreigners and for indians during the sunrise and sunset entry costs Rs 110 and during the daytime Rs 20/-. On Fridays, people will be allowed to go for the customary prayers between 1200 hrs 1400 hrs at the mosque in the Taj Mahal complex.
2009-08-14 06:18:12 UTC
Perso, je n'en sais absolument rien...

Honnêtement, je ne suis pas sure que tu trouves la réponse ici.
2009-08-14 05:57:47 UTC
Why not, depends ..

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